Marathon Mama Goes to School

The “Unsuccessful,” Successful Students

My district is starting our state testing next week. Now, I understand the thought behind state testing, I really do. The idea of it is to show if the students mastered the grade level standards for that specific grade level. The data from it can help teachers with the next school year. However, what about…

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I’ve Got SWAG

It has been put on my heart more than once to start a children’s ministry type group at the school where I teach. One time I almost got it started, it just wasn’t the right time, and other times I chickened out and never pursued it. This year God had big plans for me and…

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Give Me A Break

I am a teacher on Spring Break! To the non-educators out there, that means I am a person who gets an entire week off to do whatever I want. I can sleep in, I can relax, I can go on vacation without having to take days off of work, etc. You’re not entirely wrong in…

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